In our recent endeavor, we set out to evaluate existing technologies, solutions they offer and how those solutions integrate with our vision of the future as well as the vision of our clients. More and more we find ourselves delivering solutions that often have to support diverse and distributed environments with an unspecified number of clients who operate various devices and operating systems, because of the demand for solutions that will provide the greatest amount of flexibility, scalability and interoperability. This is especially true for clients who need to exchange data with their business partners. The Internet seemed to provide a glimmer of hope for those businesses that needed cost-effective solutions for the enterprise. Unfortunately, Internet still operates in a server-centric environment that resembles the old mainframe days. Businesses that looked to us for help in solving their problems often faced a great deal of problems when it came to implementing solutions that had to accommodate a number of diverse environments as well as data exchange formats. Solving those problems was the key challenge for NuBreed. In order to solve those problems, we turned to XML (Extensible Markup Language). XML and XML related technologies, such as XSLT and SOAP, empowered NuBreed and our clients to solve many problems that are associated with complex business environments. As XML and SOAP grew in popularity, so did the need to bring the new technology under the umbrella of a single development environment; which is why we turned to Microsoft’s new .NET platform. Although .NET is still a fledgling technology, it is gaining fast momentum and popularity in the business world because of its ability to simplify complex business tasks. We believe that in the future .NET will help companies breach the barrier of communication and scalability and will solve many problems related to information exchange as well as the creation of next generation Web-Services that will empower complex disparate systems to communicate with each other in a transparent web environment. We have turned all of our resources towards the integration of .NET technology into our service. Currently we have developed a methodology that we use to help evaluate our client’s existing business and technology needs and assist them in taking steps towards .NET. We also have developed several products written entirely in .NET, that demonstrate the power and scalability of this new platform.

  • Symphone.NET
  • Symphone.NET Report Services