ser·vice (sūrvs)
a.  The work performed by one that serves <good service>
b.  Contribution to the welfare of others
c.  Disposal for use

  • Internet Business Services
  • Business Integration Services
  • Web-Service design and implementation
  • Offshore Software Development Services

  • Internet Business Services
    The effective and competitive Internet presence became an integral part of any business. Without it, businesses lose potential and clients to their competitors. NuBreed Technologies understands the significance of an effective solution and rapid implementation.

    Whether it is developing a storefront, adding online capabilities to your CRM or implementing an online portal, NuBreed Technologies can help. We know how to deliver a solution that leverages the Internet to achieve the strategic and competitive advantage in your market. We use the latest interoperability tools and technologies such as XML to streamline solid and reliable information exchange through integration of internal and external business process for our clients.

    • B2B Portals
    • B2C Portals
    • Online Storefronts
    • Online Information Exchange
    • Online Auctions
    • Business Analysis and Reporting Tools
    • Decision Support Systems
    • Contact management
    • Web Based E-Mail
    • Business Intelligence Extranets

    Business Integration Services
    Today’s successful business requires a collective operation of entire enterprise. It also requires an integration of business processes across corporate boundaries from back-end transaction processing to front-end customer service.

    NuBreed Technologies delivers a wide range of end-to-end technology integration services that improve quality and efficiency of operations. We help clients to integrate technical infrastructure, application software, operational and business support systems, supply chains, and networks. We can help your business gain a market advantage with a secure, reliable, flexible and scalable solution tailored for your enterprise.

    • Business Process Analysis and Design
    • System Architecture and Design
    • Infrastructure Architecture and Design
    • Business and Technology Integration
    • Data Architecture and Management
    • Testing and Quality

    Web-Service design and implementation

    The Internet has brought about a paradigm shift in the way businesses communicate with each other by creating demanding high-tech economy that stresses the necessity for reliable means of exchange of vital business data as well as an effective way of integrating complex and disparate enterprise systems. Nubreed helps companies bridge the communication gap by designing and implementing reliable and robust XML Web Services. We help our clients evaluate existing system implementations, current legacy constraints as well as new technology and business initiatives in order to design solid framework architecture. In the end, we create reliable,secure, scalable and cost effective Web Services that leverage existing IT infrastructure and create significant value for Web-Service publishers as well as their consumers.

    Offshore Software Development Services
    In today’s global economy, companies adopt new business models to sustain the competitive advantage. The future belongs to organizations with more flexibility, speed and resources than any single business can provide. Through Offshore Software Development Services we help companies to drive out sustainable value with speed, flexibility and world-class know-how.

    Currently NuBreed Technologies is engaged in the alliance partnership with the majority of all Internationally Certified IT firms in Eastern Europe. That gives our company access to a cost efficient resource pool of over 3000 highly skilled professionals who are committed to our client’s success. And by utilizing our RUP based framework NuBreed Technologies can deliver the highest quality product.